Why Take an Exam?
The RCM Certificate Program offers examinations at all levels as an integral part of our renowned system of study. This is because examinations:
provide students with a challenge to prepare for and overcome
help students to set goals and round out their musical knowledge.
are a great way for them to show off student progression and achievements and a wonderful way to celebrate student success along their music journey
Students who take exams see additional benefits, both in their daily lives and in their music training. Here are a few examples:
Many high schools recognize RCM Certficate Program examinations for credit toward graduation.
An accredited examiner from the RCM's College of Examiners provides objective feedback and comments which can be valuable in developing the student’s skills.
Students who participate in RCM examinations tend to become more dedicated to their instrument and practice more often.
Achievement in RCM Certificate Program examinations is an impressive addition to any résumé. More than just sharing individual’s musical accomplishments, it is indicative of their creativity, a willingness to learn, an ability to set both short and long-term goals, and a commitment to achieving difficult tasks.
We encourage all our students to take examinations to challenge themselves and help build their confidence!